Monday, June 3, 2013

Efudex Day Twenty-One Update

June 3, 2013 - Update

I thought it was worthy of posting updated pictures post shower/exfoliation/moisturizing cream. I decided to try Cetaphil moisturizing cream instead of the Aquaphor ointment (I was tired of my hair sticking to my face all day and the greasy look). 

I was a little worried about applying a moisturizer after hearing online horror stories about the burning, but Cetaphil is non-comedogenic and fragrance free and I've used for many years on my legs after shaving and it never I took a chance. Immediately, it hydrated my skin and left my skin smooth (no burn). I'm guessing if I tried the Cetaphil cream a couple of days ago it might have been a different story, so be sure you are well into the healing phase before trying it or try a little area before applying all over.

Here's me before exfoliating and moisturizing:

And me after exfoliating and moisturizing:

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