Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Efudex Day Eight

May 21, 2013

Ok, Efudex has kicked off week two with a little more burn. I really feel it on my cheeks and neck, but still tolerable. I'm feeling better today, not as tired, and have to remember to take my vitamins, drink lots of water, and get lots of rest...my body is working hard to fight against the Efudex attack.

Efudex Days Six and Seven

May 19, 2013

Day 6 was tough in the sense that I was a little sick to my stomach and just wanted to sleep. I'm not sure it it was related to the Efudex or I was just exhausted. No pictures for day 6, and really no significant change from day 5.

May 20, 2013

Day 7 my face is more red. It is burning, itchy, yet tolerable...it is my neck that is driving me crazy with the itching. Day 7 was another sleeping day so I just laid low and took it easy. The warm weather (even in the shade) intensifies the burning and itching, and have notices my face gets "sweaty" for lack of a better word. It's not drippy sweating, but more like when you put sunscreen on your face and then you go in the sun and your face beads up with sweat. I've been dabbing gently, not wiping, with a tissue.

Note: The Eucerin Aquaphor is really helping to keep my lips, eyes, and nose creases protected from the oh so drying Efudex! I highly recommend it.