Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Efudex Day Thirty

June 12, 2013

Sorry for not posting in the last week, but as my skin was improving quickly I was out and about catching up on life :)

I'm just slightly red, no itching, peeling or burning, and very pleased with the results. 
Day 30

Day 30

Day 30


  1. Thanks for the insight. You are a very brave lady.

    I am not looking forward to this at all! Some basic questions - how do you deal with pillows and bed clothes - and not affecting your eyes? I'm worried about the stuff getting on my pillow and then in my eyes.

    Does it matter if you get some shampoo on your skin when you are washing your hair?

    1. Hi "Teen Bell",

      Thank you for your comment. I put a soft towel over my pillow because I didn't know if the cream would discolor my sheets. The cream had no affect on fabric and did not discolor anything. As for affecting my eyes, I always worn latex gloves when applying the cream and applied aquaphor ointment around my eyes to make sure I didn't get the cream too close to my eyes. And if I had an itch where I had applied the cream, I used a Q-Tip and tapped the area...then toss the Q-Tip. The cream absorbs quickly because you're applying a thin layer, and I didn't find it to run or smear. I was freaked out the entire 2 weeks I applied the cream because I have a 3 year old and was terrified she'd get cream on her. I just explained to her that she could not touch my face and neck and that the cream I was using could make her sick. It was hard because I couldn't hug and kiss her.

      I didn't have any issue with shampoo affecting my face. If it made a difference, I used a sulfate-free shampoo.

      When do you start treatment?

      Goog luck!
